I'm a Christmas guy. And I still find, 26 years after learning the truth about Santa, there's still a magical quality to December 24th and 25th. Sure some years the magic has slipped by me, but then I seem to find it again.
I also find that Christmas Eve and Christmas go hand in hand with trains and Egg Nog -- rather, a specific brand and flavor Egg Nog, before all of those frou frou gourmet varieties hit the store shelves starting a couple of years ago. Yes, I have discerning tastes.
Any rate, there was something surreal about sitting at the desk at work this evening (The first Christmas Eve I had to work in roughly 15 years!!) listening to Christmas songs on the radio. Surreal but pleasant.
Which brings me rather nicely to my point: No matter which Holiday this time of year you celebrate; be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus or something else -- It's with hope that you find it enjoyable.
Merry Happy Joy Squeal
Merry Christmas my friend!