The National Park Service and a handful of railfans are undaunted and the day's activities continue unabated. My brother and I took advantage of some down time in the activities to tour the Steamtown shop and check in on the progress of some steam locomotive restorations. At one such juncture inside the shop a white sport utility vehicle is parked nose to nose with the frame and fully opened smoke box of what was a steam loco under massive repairs. Such a scene thus invoked my over active imagination (and having watched "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" right around then also, well two and two came together...(originally posted on mY! first blog February 20, 2006)
The story unfolds in the unsuspecting, thriving city of let's call it Hartsdale (because it's the only thing coming to mind as I write). Most people are happy in Hartsdale, but there's a growing dissatisfaction among townsfolk about the town's name. Eventually, they'll be petitioning this author to go ahead and do something about that but in the interests of keeping this story moving, there aren't enough interested parties interested in petioning yet.
whew So okay, two guys and a girl (yet unnamed but their internet avatars are attractive) set out one day and accidentally on purpose drive this white SUV on a muddy Winter's day through said fake portal (the disassembled steam loco smokebox. It works better with the accompanying photo which is currently unavailable) into a new environment that the three were totally unexpecting to find.
"Whoa!" exclaimed Steve (because he was the first to be named but more importantly because his senses were overwhelmed by the undescribable scene sprawling in front of him infinitely.
"Unbelievable," said Sue (who hated her name. It sucked really, she thinks of herself more as a um...a uh, Alexandra. Yes she's also in favor of changing the town's name. So please forget her name is Sue because it's now Alexandra). And she was in awe of said undescribable scene, but imagine if you will a sparkling city of shimmerey light not unlike the Emerald City if it weren't green tinted and more disco ball like.
The third party member, not impressed by the sight, carried on as normal because he still had no name and was more interested in finding a light for his cigarette.
"This story is about as cool as my Grandmother's recounting of 1920's Easter gatherings," deadpanned Sue/Alexandra (because its easier to type Sue but Alexandra is a nicer name. It fits her avatar better too). "I'd like to see some action soon, anything more interesting than this."
Jacob spit as a reaction to getting a name. Just then there was a big solar flare. Well the three travellers thought it might have been a solar flare, but it was really the guy using a torch on the steam locomotive. I mean it was the portal sealing them into this new dimension.
"What do we do now?" cried Sue (yeah, forget Alexandra for now, her birthname is Sue so deal).
"Duh, find a way out by going in!" Steve said in a Freddy from Scooby Doo manner.
"Genius," spat Jacob. He couldn't find a light so he stuffed some chew in his gum. And the three began heading towards the shimmery lights of Discoville. *enter Star Wars episode three Cabana music and exheunt*
As also posted in the original any references to pop culture icons are for reference only for ease in descriptive purposes. Looks like I'll have to post the accompanying photos and edit in the appropriate links. The stories of these three characters are inane and I should really have my fictitious writer's guild card revoked and burnt for even typing two and three of this first trilogy to follow soon.
Oh MO, I`m still laughing over this trio and your descriptions of them and thier arrival point. Of course now I`ll have that cabana music in my head all day.....