"Wow, this place smells like coffee and cigarettes," noted Alexandria (who realized her new name had been lacking the "i" until now).
"How observant," deadpanned Jacob.
"And how do you propose we get out of here?" Alexandria queried. She panned the room not really caring for an answer from the guys but rather was looking for one on her own. Nothing but the stereotypical diner setting. You know the 1950's American roadside icon type. And they were standing in it. "Eeww, these shoes cost me eighty bucks. You're a *#^%@*% pig Jacob!"
In reply, Jacob spat more chew juice at her feet.
"I'm going to the ladies room to clean them off," Alexandria walked across the grimy used-to-be white tiled floor of the icon diner and entered a narrow restroom barely the size of a half stall with a sink. "Man, a person can barely fit in here. How can someone even sit on the toilet?" she turned on the faucet but no water came out. Instead a brown oozing slime trickled out like cold molasses. "What kind of place is this?"
Before she would find out, however, the slime expanded into an air bubble and enveloped her. Alexandria's world went dark.
"Women," Steve thought aloud, "what the hell takes them so long in the john?"
Jacob shrugged and spat.
"Do that again and yer moppin' the floor!" yelled the lady in the apron behind the counter.
"Five more minutes then we go in after her," Steve seemed to have a plan for everything.
Naturally, five minutes went past. When the two guys opened the ladies room door the apron chick slapped them both on the cheek and threw them out of her diner.
"You didn't see a woman in a white sweater and jeans in there did you?" Steve stammered.
"No one in there. No room." apron lady replied,"now on with yuhs!"
It's painfully clear thought Jacob he doesn't have a plan for this
Susan/Alexandria (because she just can't shake her birth name) opened her eyes to find herself in a tan room with moderately not enough lighting and found her bottom sore from sitting on hard dirt for an uncomfortable amount of time. Her wrists were tied together with rope and her eighty dollar ankle boots were laced together binding her feet. She heard voices around her but didn't understand the language. This is some bathroom.
Steve and Jacob tried breaking into the icon diner later that night during the two hours it was closed between three and four a.m. (okay it's really only closed for one hour but it's another dimension remember?) and they got caught by apron lady who had them arrested and thrown in jail.
"I'm tellin yuhs there weren't no woman in the ladies room!" she charged upon their protests.
So Jacob and Steve are in a jail in this shimmery world where everything's grimy once you're lured in (there's some sort of literary metaphor going on there but I'll be darned to know what) *wink* So Steve is wondering aloud what to do to get out of their predicament and find Sue (because he didn't like her self given Alexandria name he preferred her birth one). During his pacing the floor the gritty sensation on his hands began to irritate him more and more so he went to the sink to rinse them. When he turned the water on however nothing came out of the sink. Instead an opening in the cell wall under the bottom bunk opened up.
"What the #$%*?" wondered Jacob aloud. He'd never seen anything like this in his life.
"It goes somewhere!" said Steve egging his partner on, "I think we see where it goes and get the heck out of here!"
"What if its another dimensional portal thingee?"
"Well, that's a chance we need to take. Susan's out there somewhere and it's doing her no good for us to be stuck here. Besides...What's in a dimensional rift anyway? We went through one okay right? Come on!"
Steve's exuberance was too much for Jacob. "But like isn't this illegal? breaking out of jail?"
"Hardly, we're from another dimension whose laws don't apply here," rationalized Steve.
Maybe the punishmnet's worse here Jacob thought and followed suit, dreading every inch.
I am hooked now MO. What IS on the other side??
ReplyDeletelol, the third part is coming.